In the post pandemic world of skill shortages, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical issues, manufacturers are struggling to operate at full capacity. In a...
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) programs are anything but one-size-fits-all endeavors. Instead, most organizations work closely with stakeholders to ensure that programs align with...
In this interview, industry analyst Charles King speaks with Dell co-Chief Operating Officer Chuck Whitten in a wide-ranging conversation about the relationship between business...
From the pandemic to supply chain volatility, economic uncertainty and inflation—companies have faced an unprecedented number of black swan events over the past few...
Also see: 100+ Top AI Companies
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a combination of sophisticated algorithms, computing, and data training methods that allow machines and computers...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs are lightning rods for everyone from climate change deniers to those who rail against “woke” political correctness. However,...
Customer experience (CX) became the top brand differentiator in 2018, outpacing price, product quality and everything else. Businesses that offer a superior and differentiated...
The trickle-down effect of enterprise IT is as old as business technology. Vendors have long aimed new innovations at enterprises whose deep pockets and...